Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Corn Chips and... Fly!

You probably saw this story in the New York Times the other day. Maybe you read it on your laptop in the morning over a steaming latte, as your sexual partner did yoga & sunlight streamed in through the windows of your studio apartment. Perhaps a "hepcat" friend of yours emailed it to you-- a gentle jab, a sarcastic reminder of the predictability of your consumption habits. Perhaps your 42-year-old graphic designer pal emailed you the story because you guys hit Starbucks and "Akeelah and the Bee" together a few months ago. Or maybe you caught a glimpse of the story while stuffing crumpled newspaper into the package of crystal unicorns you're sending to the boys over in Fallujah. Whatever.

The point is that I've been meaning to do the same thing here. You know, to position myself as a "purveyor of premium-blend culture." You like Corn Chips & Pie? You'll love, uh, whatever it is that I'm trying to get rid of. Maybe old copies of Thucydides from freshman year, or a crappy Ikea colander, or some wadded-up paper towels I just found under the sink. How about the second Cibo Matto album?

Actually, a lot of bloggers sort of already do this. You know, the "Books read recently" or "Movies seen lately" section. But I think I'll market mine as premium compilations:
Corn Chips and... Jazz!
Corn Chips and... Chick Lit!
Corn Chips and... Race-Baiting Propaganda!
Corn Chips Goes To The Movies!
Cooking With Corn Chips!