Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Road To 4-12

I was just about to write something defeatist, but the Niners just scored a touchdown against Mike Martz's Flying Circus (timeouts given away free! just look for the red flag). It's possibly their only one of the year, so I may as well enjoy it. Defeatism has been superseded by the gentle, complex pleasures of low expectations exceeded. Tim Rattay for FEMA director. 4-12 looks like it might be within grasp. We will follow this story as it develops with the riveting, horrible inevitability of a zeppelin disaster.

In other news, the feel-distracted story of the year has begun with New Orleans' victory over Carolina. Get your media-overload safety tents ready.

Whoa. Make that two touchdowns. Fuck. I can feel my expectations rising like bile.